Propspeed has developed a high-quality coating that provides effective protection for underwater metal components. This product offers numerous advantages to users.
One of the main benefits of Propspeed is corrosion protection. Underwater metal components come into prolonged contact with saltwater, which can result in corrosion and oxidation. The special formula of Propspeed coating effectively shields these components from harmful effects, preventing corrosion and preserving their condition and performance.
Propspeed exhibits excellent adhesion to metal surfaces, preventing the accumulation of underwater vegetation, algae, and mollusks. This simplifies cleaning processes and maintains the performance of vessels. Propspeed coating provides long-term protection, typically lasting 12-24 months, thereby minimizing maintenance requirements and the need for regular cleaning of underwater surfaces. As a result, vessel owners can confidently use their boats, knowing that Propspeed effectively protects the metal components.
This mantra and our philosophy are turned into powerful action through the sheer uncompromised passion of each and every member of the Propspeed family. This passion, matched with world-class professionalism and a culture that strives for excellence, is paving the way for the future of our industry.
Maddox Anodes offer superior protection against galvanic corrosion for hard metals. More efficient galvanic currents reduce overprotection and associated damage.
The balance between coatings and anode protection, protects the marine environment with better coating performance and less anode fallout.
Anodes help maintain the performance of Propspeed, by reducing the effects of overprotection and subsequent galvanic disbondment.
Achieve a substantial reduction in anode loss, improve efficiencies, and avoid degradation to metals on your vessel. Minimise time and costs.
Office: 1152 Budapest, Szentmihályi street 137. Pólus Office building 3. floor 308.
+36 20 4313 547
+36 20 2840 802
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